


The Political History & Leadership (PHL) undergraduate certificate program offers opportunities for students to apply for generous scholarships funded by individual donors to the program and/or to the Center for American Institutions. Preference for scholarship awards is given to students in the PHL program or to students who have enrolled in HST 112 "Foundations of Democracy" or HST 414 "Political Thought and Leadership" courses. 

The $500-$1,000 Political History & Leadership Scholarship supports student who are enrolled in the Political History & Leadership program, or who are enrolled in HST 112 Foundations of Democracy.

Submit a completed application via the ASU Scholarship Portal by the March 1 deadline. Priority is given to students enrolled in the Political History & Leadership certificate program. 

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The goal of the $1,00-$3,000 scholarship is to promote civic responsibility, knowledge of the political process, and future community engagement by the scholarship recipients.

Submit a completed application, resume and essay via the ASU Scholarship Portal by the March 1 deadline. Priority is given to students enrolled in the Political History & Leadership certificate program. 

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The $500-$1,000 Thomas H. Critchlow Scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students interested in the study of the history of political liberty and economic freedom.

Submit a completed application, resume and essay via the ASU Scholarship Portal by March 1 deadline. Priority is given to students enrolled in the Political History & Leadership certificate program. 

Apply now